

Foreword Disney has numerous famous characters. And one of cutest disney character in my opinion is Marie Cat, from the “Aristocats” movie. In this tutorial, I'll try to show you how to do manual trace to the Marie Cat's low resolution picture source with powerful inkscape's live path effect feature. For those who are cartoonist wannabe, check this tutorial out! Main Idea The idea behind this tutorial is to trace Marie Cat's low resolution picture with bezier path in every single line we've found. Then give all the bezier paths the powerful inkscape's live path effect until match what we need. Read the rest of this post if you so curious :) Step 1 Get this marie cat's low resolution picture below first. Then import (ctrl+i) to your inkscape working area.  Step 2 Then make an ellipse, color it green, then do butterfly technique to make our “brush” in future step. Do not know what is butterfly technique yet? Check this post . Step 3 Then begin manual tra...


One of the most frequently used technique by graphic designer is mirroring and duplicating. Because mirroring combined with duplicating is the only way to make each side of our work being symmetrical. In this tutorial, I'll try to explain a bit about how combination of both two basic techniques used in certain way when we works in inkscape to make our custom symmetrical shape. Hope this tutorial worth for beginner inkscape user. Enjoy! (Get PDF Version here ) . The Main Idea The main idea in this tutorial is to make a half butterfly wing-like shape first, then duplicate and mirror it to make the simple butterfly shape. And there is a step by step instruction.... Step One Make a shape just like picture below with bezier tool (b). Step Two Pick the shape, then edit the nodes (f2) to make it like picture below. Step Three Now, we need to make the right side straight. To accomplish this step, simply drag a guideline from the left document ruler. Then make a rec...


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Are you inspired with javanese pattern? Or can't live without colors, shapes and compositions? Or just wanna know how to make this and that? Just post your suggestion in the comment section below about what should be the next tutorial. And I will make the tutorial JUST FOR YOU!


Inkscape tutorials list for advanced user: t race marie cat's head


Inkscape tutorials list for intermediate user: ultra cool pixel tux logo


Inkscape tutorials list for beginner user: understanding butterfly technique make an ubuntu by your own